Híres filmes párosok: akkor és most.
2020. március 31. írta: captain schuro

Híres filmes párosok: akkor és most.

1. Leonardo DiCaprio és Kate Winslet (Titanic 1997)

 21 Movie Couples Who’ve Changed a Lot Through Time, and We Still Love Them the Same

2. Meg Ryan és Billy Crystal (Harry és Sally 1989)

 21 Movie Couples Who’ve Changed a Lot Through Time, and We Still Love Them the Same

3. Richard Gere és Julia Roberts (Micsoda nő! 1990)

 21 Movie Couples Who’ve Changed a Lot Through Time, and We Still Love Them the Same

4. Dev Patel és Freida Pinto (Gettómilliomos 2008)

 21 Movie Couples Who’ve Changed a Lot Through Time, and We Still Love Them the Same

5. Olivia Newton John és John Travolta (Grease 1978)

 21 Movie Couples Who’ve Changed a Lot Through Time, and We Still Love Them the Same

6. Robin Wright és Cary Elwes (A herceg menyasszonya 1987)

 21 Movie Couples Who’ve Changed a Lot Through Time, and We Still Love Them the Same

7. Drew Barrymore és Adam Sandler (Az 50 első randi 2004)

 21 Movie Couples Who’ve Changed a Lot Through Time, and We Still Love Them the Same

8. Tom Cruise és Renée Zellweger (Jerry Maguire – A nagy hátraarc 1996)

 21 Movie Couples Who’ve Changed a Lot Through Time, and We Still Love Them the Same

9. Paul Rudd és Alicia Silverstone (Spinédzserek 1995)

 21 Movie Couples Who’ve Changed a Lot Through Time, and We Still Love Them the Same

10. Ethan Hawke és Julie Delpy (Mielőtt felkel a Nap 1995)

 21 Movie Couples Who’ve Changed a Lot Through Time, and We Still Love Them the Same

11. Zac Efron és Vanessa Hudgens (Szerelmes hangjegyek 2006)

 21 Movie Couples Who’ve Changed a Lot Through Time, and We Still Love Them the Same

12. Macaulay Culkin és Anna Chlumsky (My Girl – Az első szerelem 1991)

 21 Movie Couples Who’ve Changed a Lot Through Time, and We Still Love Them the Same

13. Keira Knightley és Matthew Macfadyen (Büszkeség és balítélet 2005)

 21 Movie Couples Who’ve Changed a Lot Through Time, and We Still Love Them the Same

14. Shari Headley és Eddie Murphy (Amerikába jöttem 1988)

 21 Movie Couples Who’ve Changed a Lot Through Time, and We Still Love Them the Same

15. John Cusack és Ione Skye (Mondhatsz bármit 1989)

 21 Movie Couples Who’ve Changed a Lot Through Time, and We Still Love Them the Same

16. Brad Pitt és Angelina Jolie (Mr. és Mrs. Smith 2005)

 21 Movie Couples Who’ve Changed a Lot Through Time, and We Still Love Them the Same

17. Bill Murray és Andie MacDowell (Idétlen időkig 1993)

 21 Movie Couples Who’ve Changed a Lot Through Time, and We Still Love Them the Same

18. Will Smith és Eva Mendes (A randiguru 2005)

 21 Movie Couples Who’ve Changed a Lot Through Time, and We Still Love Them the Same

19. Kate Hudson és Matthew McConaughey (Hogyan veszítsünk el egy pasit 10 nap alatt 2003)

 21 Movie Couples Who’ve Changed a Lot Through Time, and We Still Love Them the Same

20. Nia Vardalos and John Corbett (Bazi nagy görög lagzi 2002)

 21 Movie Couples Who’ve Changed a Lot Through Time, and We Still Love Them the Same

21. Reese Witherspoon and Luke Wilson (Doktor Szöszi 2001)

 21 Movie Couples Who’ve Changed a Lot Through Time, and We Still Love Them the Same

Forrás: brightside.me

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